Let the sun burn my eyes Feel the breath of the desert His words flow like a river Why do I smell blood? .. And it's like a fever When he speaks on behalf of god
A black shadow hung over the world Hiding behind the Holy book Creating excesses Crescent cuts the throats Related screams and pain Here is our world We are blind and deaf to your words Here soon will be our dominance
I'm a liar, I'm a witness And they're just blinded by me
Hey do you hear? You're right, and you have no fear Die for a lie And take these people with you This is a high fee for the idea Paradise comes at a price
We are the shelter and the grave There is illusion of the safe Ready to die for their truth You only have to turn the fuse
He says you are chosen Asks - will you follow me? Will you become the bride of Allah? Are you ready to be free?
No terror No terror Do you want to be alone or together with us Be yourself and don't trust anyone
No terror No terror Do you want to be alone or with them Want to be a pawn in this game
No terror No terror The pain in his eyes more than ever But whether they will find Paradise?
Hear the ticking of the clock I am a living time I am this clock and nothing can stop It's eternal climb
Bloody shores
Our ships cut through the waves Many discoveries await us ahead And unknown enemies Maybe their blood will give us strength Or we'll become dead
See how the water turned into blood Like wine and flows through our veins Thor's hammer and the cross entwined It's the symbol of a new world So open your mind
I see the banner, and my blood runs cold I see wealth on foreign shores Glory awaits us and my land will remember me The gods decide who I should be
Feast during the plague we know The celebration of the digital age And the dead in line to the throne Cover your face, don't show the rage
Assimilation blood Dissimilation blood
See how the water turned into blood Like wine and flows through our veins Thor's hammer and the cross entwined It's the symbol of a new world So open your mind
Blood washed foreign shores Now my eyes are open to the west and east I am the king, Thy kingdom come It's the symbol of a new world So open your mind
Жили все в добре и вместе пировали За одним столом соседа обсуждали Какой опрятный, монету подает всем, Вождя всецело прославляет И помнит - Вождь есть бог, и нет иного
Вождь есть бог
Жили все в добре и вместе пировали За одним столом, как сдать соседа, обсуждали Подлого урода Он теперь в рядах предателей народа Изменник родины, сказал, что бог есть царь
Бог есть царь
Спущен затвор, растворились мечты о единстве народа Страхом смерти каждый поглощен И уродство внутри - отличительный знак Донесенье во благо- Спускай всех собак!
Ожидают богатства в бездонном кармане И зависти грех вождем отменен Но на горизонте людей сплошные туманы Единства инстинкт сыграет с тобой злую шутку И те, с кем делился всем, завтра сдадут не поморщась Будь начеку, ибо близок час, когда в дверь постучат
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Помни - у стен есть уши За каждым словом прячется страх И вот уж закон нарушен И глаза комиссара пусты Слушай и внимай- За сколько продашь свою честь? Помни - здесь слишком много тех Кто тебя живьём может съесть
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About Open Your Mind
We decided to make several remixes of the songs from the album Red Wave Is Coming.